Chương trình học tiếng Anh giao tiếp phản xạ

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Unit 17: Language and literature

- describe a book
- give a personal response
- talk about languages and ways to learn them
- describe experiences of language learning
- discuss plans and priorities
Target activity
- A plan to improve your English

Unit 18: World

- interpret maps and facts
- make comparisons and talk about changes
- talk about diet and nutrition
- discuss changing trends
- talk about result
Target activity
- Say how a town or country has

Unit 19: Concepts of space

- describe spaces in cities
- describe how spaces are used
- talk about crime and surveiltance
- comment on experiences
- outline problems
- discuss and suggest solutions
Target activity
- Plan a city square

Unit 20: Appearances

- describe appearance and changes to appearance
- discuss photos and images
- talk about aim and intention
- talk about fakes and forgeries
- convince people and express doubt
- conduct a personal interview
- describe someone's life, achievements and attitudes
Target activity
- Interview someone and present
       a profile

Unit 16: Self

- talk about personality traits
- talk about identity
- understand promotional language
- say how you met someone
- use effective introduction strategies
Target activity
- Promote yourself

Unit 21: Health

- talk about health problems and treatment
- describe and comment on an exhibition or a show
- describe a process or experiment
- discuss implications and significance
- discuss an issue
Target activity
- Global issues

Unit 22: Brand awarenesss

- discuss brands
- describe effects and influences
- talk about the image and qualities of products
- talk about advertising and marketing
- describe an advert
- pass on detailed information
Target activity
- Sell a product

Unit 23: Icons

- speculate about images and objects
- interpret and respond to a story
- discuss icons
- identify critical language in a text
- talk about what something represents
- present arguments and counter-arguments
Target activity
- Icons for today

Unit 24: A sense of belonging

- describe groups and membership
- describe feelings about belonging
- give opinions emphatically
- explore strategies for analysing authentic texts
- persuade others to take action
Target activity
- Prepare a campaign

Unit 25: Climate

- talk about climate change
- describe inventions and how they work
- discuss proposals
- describe an ongoing process
- understand imagery in a poem
- say if actions are justified
- conduct a debate
Target activity
- The Doomsday debate

Unit 26: Knowledge and technology

- talk about knowledge and technology
- discuss how to access information
- describe technological advances
- talk about how things develop
- explain an idea
- deliver a positive message
Target activity
- Deliver a confident message

Unit 07: Inspiration

-  talk about how you deal with problems
- describe experiences of problem solving
- talk about where you get ideas
- describe a scene
- participate in a problem-solving discussion
Target activity
- Come up with solutions

Unit 08: Critical incidents

- make deductions about the past
- describe strong feelings
- say how you feel about past events in your life
- speculate about consequences of past actions
- disagree with speculations about the past
Target activity
- Work out what happened

Unit 09: How it's done

- explain how something is made
- organise a description
- describe responsibilities and roles in different situations
- explain how a team or organisation works
- give a detailed presentation on a familiar topic
Target activity
- Give a factual talk

Unit 10: Discovery

- talk about exploration and discovery
- explain the benefits of something
- describe important issues and priorities
- talk about dedicated people and their achievements
- summarise information from different sources
Target activity
- Choose a subject for documentary

Unit 11: Questions, questions

- describe people skills
- carry out an interview
- report what people say
- give statistics
Target activity
- Carry out a survey

Unit 12: Alternatives

- talk about health treatments
- express belief and scepticism
- persuade someone of your point of view
- tell people what to expect
- support an argument
- make and justify recommendations
Target activity
- Present a proposal

Unit 13: Compromise

- describe disagreements and compromises
- make your case in a disagreement
- talk about dealing with conflict
- negotiate a formal agreement
Target activity
- Negotiate an agreement

Unit 14: Changes

- talk about the future
- make predictions about the world
- describe personal hopes and expectations
- take part in a job interview
Target activity
- Choose the right candidate

Unit 15: Childhood

- talk about adapting to different cultures
- talk about memory
- talk about a personal memory
- evoke the feelings and moods of a past event
Target activity
- Describe a childhood memory

Unit 05: Images

- describe and give opinions about images
- choose something for a room
- discuss what makes a good design
- describe designs and designed objects
- participate in a decision-making discussion
Target activity
- Choose a logo

Unit 06: Virtual worlds

- talk about crimes and justice
- justify your point of view
- talk about media and the Internet
- report different points of view
- describe possible consequences of actions
- suggest changes to a plan or document
Target activity
- Design a site map

Unit 04


Unit 03


Unit 02


Unit 01


Unit 08


Unit 07

Eating Out

Unit 06


Unit 05


Unit 12


Unit 11


Unit 10


Unit 09


Unit 16


Unit 15

Football (Soccer)

Unit 14


Unit 13


Unit 20


Unit 19


Unit 18


Unit 17

The Future

Unit 24


Unit 23

The Internet

Unit 22

House and Home

Unit 21

Holidays (Vacations)

Unit 28


Unit 27


Unit 26


Unit 25

Language Learning

Unit 32


Unit 31


Unit 30


Unit 29

The Media

Unit 36


Unit 35


Unit 34


Unit 33


Unit 40


Unit 39


Unit 38


Unit 37


Unit 44


Unit 43


Unit 42

Town and City

Unit 41


Unit 48


Unit 47


Unit 46

Video Games

Unit 45


Unit 49




Unit 53

Present Perfect Continuous

Unit 52

Present Perfect

Unit 51

Present Continuous

Unit 50

Present Simple

Unit 57

Have to

Unit 56

Used to

Unit 55

Past Continuous

Unit 54

Past Simple

Unit 61


Unit 60


Unit 59

Going to / Will

Unit 58

Going to / Pres. Continuous

Unit 65

Mixed Conditionals

Unit 64

Third Conditional

Unit 63

Second Conditional

Unit 62

First Conditional

Unit 69


Unit 68


Unit 67

Should have

Unit 66


Unit 72

Being done / Been done

Unit 71

Is done / Was done

Unit 70

Can / Could / Be able to

Quá trình luyện IELTS đòi hỏi các bạn phải luyện phản xạ nghe, phân tích nhanh nhạy trong việc tìm đáp án. Rèn tư duy nói mạch lạc với ý tưởng và câu chữ thật tự tin. Đọc cẩn thận, biết chọn lọc và phân tích thông tin cũng như nắm ý nhanh. Cuối cùng là kỹ năng viết yêu cầu lên ý tưởng, lập dàn ý và liên kết logic. Chính vì thế việc học IELTS chuyên sâu sẽ giúp bạn rèn luyện cả 4 kỹ năng Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing, thông qua đó giúp bạn rèn tư duy bằng tiếng Anh và phát triển toàn diện.

Khoá học quan tâm: 


Giao Tiếp Phản Xạ
Tiếng Anh Cho Người Bận Rộn
Thuyết Trình Nói Trước Công Chúng
Đào Tạo Theo Nhu Cầu
Tiếng Anh Thiếu Niên
Tiếng Anh Doanh Nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Cho Dân IT
Tiếng Anh Xuất Nhập Khẩu

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